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Picture sharing[dogs]
三年前偶遇一只浑身长赖的流浪狗 不知如今是否安好
154次播放 | 03:03This Is Why Every Child Should Grow Up With A Dog
178次播放 | 03:19Dog Slides Across the Snow
170次播放 | 00:16Did you do the same thing when you were a child?
72次播放 | 00:24這是一隻熊嗎?
30次播放 | 00:08狗子的生活,瘋狂的生活
25次播放 | 00:22I just like to play with sticks
50次播放 | 00:47੯‧̀͡u\
146次播放 | 00:12NEWFOUNDLAND DOG Profile of a Hero Breed
176次播放 | 04:12滑雪狗
44次播放 | 03:03Harry Loves Kids
0次播放 | 01:43Your name, dog
76次播放 | 00:07Lion and dog
110次播放 | 00:30Feeling of tiger big cat
76次播放 | 00:07正在加载