0关注 | 1967内容
25次播放 | 00:47国际贸易重要输出
14次播放 | 00:12节省人力物力 空间由您定义
18次播放 | 00:28拆房子就像折纸一样简单 老外看了直接下单
14次播放 | 00:11会魔法的房子你见过吗?四室一厅一卫的布局
55次播放 | 00:26外贸出口美国折叠房
0次播放 | 00:09Foldable houses exported to the United States
0次播放 | 00:09The American boss was shocked to see it
0次播放 | 00:22container house
0次播放 | 00:16Folding house with outlet可出口的折叠房
0次播放 | 00:11Folding house sent to America
0次播放 | 00:18Australian bosses like it very much
0次播放 | 00:14Expandable movable folding house
0次播放 | 00:19外贸出口美国折叠房Foreign trade exports to the United Sta
0次播放 | 00:14折叠集成房屋Folding integrated house
0次播放 | 00:10正在加载